Monday, January 5, 2009

T minus zero...

One last picture of the momma-to-be before the big day. If all goes as planned, our little robot is set to go online on Tuesday, January 6th! We are SOOOO ready for this little dude to come out. For some weird reason, Reston hospital doesn't have any Wi-Fi spots or internet connectivity for the public (save for one or maybe two lame kiosks by the gift shop) so I'll post pix of Version 2.0 as soon as I can.


Unknown said...

Hey, I took that sexy picture!

So, so excited for little man to come! I cant wait for tomorrow!

Everyone here is unwilling and patienctly waiting!

Jesie said...

OMG! Im on pins and needeles waiting to hear from any of you! Hows the little family?? how is mama? and Baby? OOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHH meee goodness....well Im hoping all went well.. and that I can come up as soon as youll let me!!!!!